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GB 7258-2017英文版/English/翻譯/機動車運行安全技術條件01網友哪裡便宜,採購,優缺點,試用,GB 7258-2017英文版/English/翻譯/機動車運行安全技術條件好用,GB 7258-2017英文版/English/翻譯/機動車運行安全技術條件CP值,經驗,好康,集購,下殺,免比價,去哪買?,

名人推薦介紹,GB 7258-2017英文版/English/翻譯/機動車運行安全技術條件部落客,排行,體驗,精選,限定,折扣,GB 7258-2017英文版/English/翻譯/機動車運行安全技術條件折價卷,ptt,蝦皮拍賣,Dcard推薦評比開箱

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GB 7258-2017英文版/English/翻譯/機動車運行安全技術條件好用
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ChinaAutoRegs|GB 7258-2017英文版/English/翻譯/機動車運行安全技術條件 Technical Specifications for Safety of Power-Driven Vehicles Operating on Roads ...ChinaAutoRegs|GB 7258-2017英文版/English/翻譯/機動車運行安全技術條件 1 SCOPE This standard specifies the basic technical requirements concerning operation safety of complete vehicle, principal assemblies and safety protection devices, etc. of power-driven vehicles, as well as the additional requirements for fire engines, ambulances, engineering rescue vehicles, police vehicles and vehicles for handicapped driving. This standard is applicable to all the power-driven vehicles operating on roads in China, but not applicable to tramcars or the wheeled mobile machinery for special purpose which is not designed or manufactured for travelling on road and is mainly used on closed roads and sites for construction. Note: tramcar refers to a road vehicle operating on track, propelled by electric motor and supplied with overhead grid. 2 NORMATIVE REFERENCES The following documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references, only the dated edition is applicable to this document. For undated references, the latest editions of the normative documents (including all the amendments) are applicable to this document. GB 811 英文版 Helmets for Motorcyclists GB 1589英文版 Limits of dimensions, axle load and masses for road vehicles GB/T 2408-2008英文版 Plastics – Determination of the burning behavior of horizontal and vertical specimens GB/T 3181 英文版 Color standard for paint film GB 4094 英文版 Motor vehicles – Symbols for controls, indicators, and tell-tales GB 4599 英文版 Photometric characteristics of headlamps for motor vehicles GB 4785 英文版 Installation specifications of the external lighting and signaling devices for motor vehicles and their trailers GB 5948 英文版 Photometric characteristics of incandescent-filament headlamps for motorcycles GB 7956.1英文版 Fire Fighting Vehicles - Part 1: General Technical Specifications GB 8108 英文版 Vehicle-used electronic siren GB/T 8196 英文版 Safety of Machinery – Guards – General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable guards GB 8410 英文版 Flammability of automotive interior materials GB 9656 英文版 Safety Glazing Material for Motor Vehicle GB 10396 英文版 Tractors and Machinery for Agricultural and Forestry, Power-Driven Machinery for Lawn and Garden – Safety Signs and hazard figures – General GB 11567 英文版 Side, Rear and Underrun Protection Requirements for Motor Vehicles and Trailers GB/T 12428 英文版 Laden mass calculation of buses GB 12676 英文版 Vehicle braking system, structure, performance and test method GB 13057 英文版 Strength of bus seats and anchorage fittings GB 13365 英文版 Spark Arrester GB 13392 英文版 The vehicle mark for road transportation dangerous goods GB 13954 英文版 Warning Lamps for Police Cars, Fire Engines, Ambulance and Rescue Vehicles GB/T 14172 英文版 Static roll stability test method for motor vehicles GB 15084 英文版 Motor vehicles – Rear view mirrors – Requirements of performance and installation GB 15365 英文版 Motorcycle: graphical signs for controls, indicators, and signaling devices GB 16735 英文版 Road vehicle – Vehicle identification number (VIN) GB 17352 英文版 Rear-view Mirror Performance and Its Installation Requirements for Motorcycle and Moped GB 17578 英文版 Provisions of Strength for the Superstructure of Bus GB/T 17676 英文版 Natural Gas Vehicle and Liquefied Petroleum Gas Vehicle - Identification Marks GB 18100.1 英文版 Provisions for installation of lighting and light-signaling devices for motorcycles—Part 1: Two wheels motorcycle GB 18100.2 英文版 Provisions for installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for motorcycles—Part 2: Two wheels moped GB 18100.3 英文版 Provisions for installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for motorcycles—Part 3: Three-wheel motorcycles GB/T 18411 英文版 Road Vehicles - Manufacturer’s Plate GB 18447.1 英文版 Safety Requirements for Tractors - Part 1: Wheeled Tractors GB 18564.1 英文版 Road Tanker for Dangerous Liquid Goods Transportation - Part 1: Technical Requirements of Atmospheric Pressure Metal Tank GB 18564.2 英文版 Road Tanker for Dangerous Liquid Goods Transportation - Part 2: Technical Requirements of Atmospheric Pressure Non-metal Tank GB/T 18697 英文版 Acoustics - Measurement of Noise Inside Motor Vehicles GB/T 19056 英文版 Vehicle Travel Data Recorder GB 19151 英文版 Triangular Warning Board for Motor Vehicle GB 19152 英文版 Motor Vehicle Headlamps Emitting A Symmetrical Passing Beam or A Driving Beam or Both GB 20074 英文版 External Projections from Motorcycles and Mopeds GB 20075 英文版 Hand-holds on Motorcycles with Two Wheels GB 20300 英文版 Safety Specifications for Road Transportation Vehicle of Explosive Substance and Chemical Toxic Substance GB 21259 英文版 Headlamps Equipped with Gas-discharge Light Sources for Motor Vehicle GB 21668 英文版 Provisions of Vehicles for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods with Regard to Their Specific Constructional Features GB 23254 英文版 Retro-reflective Markings for Trucks and Trailers GB 24315 英文版 Marking for School Bus GB 24406 英文版 The Strength of Seats and Their Anchorages of Special School Bus for Schoolchildren GB 24407 英文版 Safety Technical Requirements for Special School Bus GB/T 24545 英文版Requirement of Speed Limitation System for Motor Vehicles GB/T 25978 英文版Road Vehicle Plate and Label GB 25990 英文版 Rear-marking Plates for Vehicles GB 25991 英文版 LED Headlamp for Motor Vehicles GB 26511 英文版 Front Underrun Protective Requirements for Commercial Vehicle GB/T 26774 英文版 Technical Specification for Car Carriers GB/T 30036 英文版 Adaptive Front-lighting System for Motor Vehicles GB 30678 英文版 Safety Signs and Information Symbols for the Use of Bus GB/T 31883 英文版 Road Vehicles - Drawbar Couplings, Drawbar Eyes, Fifth Wheel Kingpins, Hook Couplings and Toroidal Eyes - Wear Limits for In-use Mechanical Couplings GB 34655 英文版 Requirements on Fire Extinction Equipment Configuration of Bus GA 524 Specification of 2004 Style Police Vehicle Unified Appearance Coating GA 525 Specification of 2004 Style Police Motorcycle Unified Appearance Coating GA 923 Specification of Special Police Vehicle Unified Appearance Coating GA 1264 Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems for Compartment of Bus 3 術語和定義 下列術語和定義適用於本文件。 3.1 機動牢power-driven vehicle 由動力裝置驅動或牽引,上道路行駛的供人員乘用或用於運送物品以及進行工程專項作業的輪式車輛,包括汽車及汽車列車、摩托車、拖拉機運輸機組、輪式專用機械車、掛車。 3.2 汽車motor vehicle 由動力驅動、具有四個或四個以上車輪的非軌道承載的車輛,包括與電力線相聯的車輛(如無軌電車) ;主要用於z 載運人員和/或貨物(物品); 一一牽引載運貨物(物品)的車輛或特殊用途的車輛; 專項作業。 本術語還包括以下由動力驅動、非軌道承載的三輪車輛z a) 整車整備質量超過400 kg、不帶駕駛室、用於載運貨物的蘭輪車輛p b) 整車整備質量超過600 kg、不帶駕駛室、不具有載運貨物結構或功能且設計和製造上最多乘坐2人(包括駕駛人)的三輪車輛$ c) 整車整備質量超過600 kg 的帶駕駛室的三輪車輛。 3.2.1 載客汽車passenger vehicle 設計和製造上主要用於載運人員的汽車,包括裝置有專用設備或器具但以載運人員為主要目的的 汽車。 乘用草passenger car 設計和製造上主要用於載運乘客及其隨身行李和/或臨時物品的汽車,包括駕駛人座位在內最多不超過9個座位。它可以裝置一定的專用設備或器具,也可以牽引一輛中置軸掛車。 旅居幸motor caravan 裝備有睡具(可由桌椅轉換而來)及其他必要的生活設施、用於旅行宿營的汽車。 客車bus 設計和製造上主要用於載運乘客及其隨身行李的汽車,包括駕駛人座位在內座位數超過9 個。根據是否設置有站立乘客區,分為未設置乘客站立區的客車和設有乘客站立區的客車。 1 未設置乘客站立區的客車bus without standing passenger area 設計和製造上元乘客站立區、不允許乘客站立、全體乘客均乘坐在座位上或臥踵的客車,包括公路客車、旅遊客車、未設置乘客站立區的公共汽車、專用客車等。 公路客車interurban bus 長途客車 為城間(城鄉)運輸乘客設計和製造、專門從事旅客運輸的客車;包括臥鋪客車,即設計和製造供全體乘客臥睡的客車。 3.2. 1.3. 1.2 旅擊事客車touring bus 為旅遊設計和製造、專門用於運載遊客的客車。 3.2. 1.3. 1.3 未設置乘客站立區的公共汽車pubilic bus without standing passenger area 為城市內運輸乘客設計和製造,有固定的公交營運線路和車站,主要在城市道路運營的客車。 專用害車special bus 設計和製造上用於載運特定人員並完成特定功能的客車,如專用校車s也包括裝置有專用設備或器具,座位數(包括駕駛人座位〉超過9 個的專用汽車, 設有乘客站立區的客車bus with standing passenger area 最大設計車速小於70 km/h、設有座椅及乘客站立區,並有足夠的空間供頻繁停站時乘客上下車走動,有固定的公交營運線路和車站,主要在城市建成區運營的客車也包括無軌電車,即以電機驅動,與電力線相連的客車。 校車school bus 用於有組織地接送3 周歲以上學齡前幼兒或接受義務教育的學生上下學的7 座以上的載客汽車。 幼兒校車school bus for infants 接送3 周歲以上學齡前幼兒上下學的校車。 小學生校幸school bus for primary student 接送小學生上下學的校車。 中小學生校車school bus for primary and middle school student 接送九年制義務教育階段學生(小學生和初中生)上下學的校車。 3.2. 1.4.4 專用校車sp田ial school bus 設計和製造上專門用於運送3 周歲以上學齡前幼兒或義務教育階段學生的專用客車。 3.2.2 載貨汽牢goods vehicle 貨車 設計和製造上主要用於載運貨物或牽引掛車的汽車,也包括: a) 裝置有專用設備或器具但以載運貨物為主要目的的汽車; b) 由非封閉式貨車改裝的,雖裝置有專用設備或器具,但不屬於專項作業車的汽車。 注: 封閉式貨車是指載貨部位的結構為封閉廂體且與駕駛室聯成一體,車身結構為一廂式或兩廂式的載貨汽車。 半掛牽引車semi-trailer towing vehicle 裝備有特殊裝置用於牽引半掛車的汽車。








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